Treat unwanted veins and redness.

Laser vascular correction diminishes the appearance of unwanted spider veins, port wine stains, vascular areas, and hemangiomas. Whether you need to target redness on the surface, deep veins in the dermis, or circulatory pathways in between, vasculaze can reach precise depths to effectively minimize blemishes.

This treatment is ideal for the face, thighs, calves and ankles. Optimal results are achieved with 3 to 6 treatments per area scheduled 5 to 8 weeks apart. Gradual improvement will be visible after the first treatment. Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation to get started.


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Bare a clearer complexion.

Visible blood vessels and vascular lesions are usually the result of changes in circulation, hormones, weight gain, and prolonged sitting. These red, blue, or purple veins generally appear on the thighs, calves, ankles, behind the knees, and on the face, and are generally not essential for circulation. Although covering them up with cosmetics is an option, many patients prefer long-term, effective results that leave them feeling comfortable baring skin. Laser vein correction minimizes the appearance of veins, stains and hemangiomas to reveal a clearer complexion.

How does vein correction work?

Triton Vasculaze uses a powerful YAG laser to target veins deep in the dermis and hemangiomas on the surface. The laser emits high-intensity light that is absorbed by hemoglobin as heat. The heat causes target veins and cells to constrict, forcing the body to reroute circulation through healthy veins deeper in the dermis. After treatment, the body will gradually absorb the treated vein. Multiple treatments are often required to fully constrict and minimize surface veins.

What are the benefits?

  • Diminish the appearance of veins near the skin surface

  • Diminish broken vessels in sensitive areas on the face

  • Target angiomas and other clusters

  • Non-invasive treatment has short recovery time



With every laser skin treatment, get 10% back towards medical-grade skincare from SkinMedica and ZO Skin Health.


Our pricing

Treatment $350+

Spot $125

Get 10% back towards medical-grade skincare from SkinMedica and ZO Skin Health. Plus save 10% on package of 3 sessions. We do not accept gratuities.



What are the risks?

Laser vein correction, like most heat-based treatments, can result in burns, permanent scars, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and infection. Choose a provider you trust.

At Three Sisters Laser + Medical, we take great care to ensure our services deliver results while minimizing the risks. Before treatment, we’ll assess your skin and recommend medical-grade skincare to manage conditions such as melasma and acne. We also advise patients to stop using certain medications and skincare products that make skin more photo-sensitive, and to protect skin from the sun for several weeks before treatment.

Can’t stay out of the sun before or after treatment? It’s best to postpone heat-based restorative treatments until you can protect your skin from sun exposure and allow your body’s natural healing response to complete its cycle. Sun exposure before or after treatment may trigger hyperpigmentation, melasma, and permanent skin damage.

What to expect during the procedure

Laser vein correction is a non-invasive procedure, meaning that it does not physically damage your skin barrier. Most patients liken the experience to an elastic band snapping against the skin. The laser technician will begin making several passes across your skin with the handpiece. Heat and tingling sensations can be expected as the probe targets the root of the vascular pathway. The laser technician will check in with you often in order to adjust the intensity of treatment. Protective eyewear must be worn at all times.

Healing and post-procedure care

It will generally take 1-2 weeks to recover from laser vein correction. Immediately following treatment, you will experience a sunburned sensation. Minimize heat in the treated area by avoiding hot bats and strenuous activity, discontinuing photo-sensitive medications and skincare, and using SPF 30+ daily to protect your skin. The treated area may turn darker during the healing process.

READY TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP? Book a complimentary vein correction consultation.