Target stubborn fat without surgery.

Fat melting injections are a safe and effective way to eliminate superficial fat that won’t budge through regular diet and exercise. This simple cosmetic procedure uses injections to target fat deposits in the body and melt them away – without surgery. This treatment is ideal for the abdomen, flanks, buttock, and thighs. Results are visible four to six weeks after treatment. Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Dr Constantin to get started.


Permanent body contouring

Fat melting injections contains deoxycholic acid, a synthetic form of naturally-occurring acid in the body. When selectively injected in pockets of unwanted fat, the acid breaks down stubborn fat cells so they can be flushed away by the body’s lymphatic system.

The liquefied cells cannot regenerate and the effects are permanent. Once you’ve achieved your desired definition, there are no maintenance or follow-up treatments needed unless you gain weight.

Multiple treatments may be required to achieve optimal results, and most patients benefit from two treatments scheduled six weeks apart. Results are visible within six weeks.

The experience is like melting hot acid inside your body... I would 100% do this again because the results have been great so far and I’m excited to see what they are even further down the road.
— Blake, Summer 2023

Who is a good candidate?

Fat melting injections aren’t a generalized weight loss strategy. Treatment should be reserved for pockets of fat that an otherwise healthy person can’t eliminate on their own.

Treatment is most effective for someone with a BMI under 30 who leads an active lifestyle, enjoys regular exercise, and has a balanced diet - but still has stubborn pockets of body fat that won't budge. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to maintaining your results.

Considering fat melting injections for the jaw line? Explore specially-formulated Belkyra injections for proven results.


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Our pricing

$500 per area

We inject 5ml of deoxycholic acid per treatment area. The average treatment area is roughly 3x2 inches.


What are the risks?

As with any medical procedure, fat melting injections have side effects. The most common side effects include pain, redness, and pin-point bleeding from injections, as well as swelling and bruising lasting up to eight weeks. Following treatment, you will notice areas of firmness (fat nodes) which usually resolve over eight weeks. It is recommended that patients wear compression clothing during the healing.

What to expect during the procedure

Patients are encouraged to wear loose-fitting, dark clothing that could be stained. The treatment area is marked with a grid pattern. Deoxycholic acid is injected evenly across the treatment area. Patients will feel a burning sensation as the injected material is absorbed by fat cells. This burning sensation may last up to an hour post-treatment. Applying ice packs and compression clothing to the treated area will help manage side effects.

Healing and post-procedure care

Fat melting injections have no downtime but most patients prefer to limit movement and activity for 24 hours post procedure. Swelling and bruising may last up to eight weeks. Slight numbness can occur, but symptoms should not last longer than 30 days. Patients also experience “hardened balls” in the treated area which should be massaged often to improve results. The resumption of an active lifestyle is highly recommended to improve treatment results.

Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Dr Constantin.