Reduce under-chin fat without surgery.

Belkyra is a quick and effective way to contour your jawline. When injected in the lower face and neck area, Belkyra reduces unwanted fat pockets by destroying fat cells permanently and allowing the body to flush them away. Unlike fat-melting injections for the body, Belkyra is specially-formulated to target fullness in the sensitive face area. Results are visible in four to six weeks. Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Dr Constantin to get started.



Permanent jaw line contouring

Belkyra contains deoxycholic acid, a synthetic form of naturally-occurring acid in the body. When selectively injected in the submental area, the acid breaks down stubborn fat cells so they can be flushed away by the body’s lymphatic system. The liquefied cells cannot regenerate and the effects of Belkyra are permanent. Once you’ve achieved your desired definition, there are no maintenance or follow-up treatments needed unless you gain weight.

Multiple treatments may be required to achieve optimal results, and most patients benefit from two treatments scheduled eight weeks apart. Results are visible within eight weeks and jaw line definition will continue to improve over the next five months. Like all Allergan products, this service is eligible for Brilliant Distinction cash-back rewards.

Who is a good candidate?

Belkyra is not for everyone. Depending on your age and the resilience of your skin, Belkyra may cause some skin to tighten and some to sag. Patients who experience loss of elasticity in the neck area may not be candidates for Belkyra. A medical consultation is required to assess whether you are a candidate for chin contouring.

Healing and care after the procedure

As with any medical procedure, Belkyra injections may have side effects. The most include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and areas of firmness which usually resolves over five weeks. It is recommended that patients wear a chin strap with an ice pack for a few nights after treatment and elevate the head to reduce swelling.

In rare cases, patients may have nerve injury in the jaw, resulting in an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness and trouble swallowing. It's paramount that Belkyra be injected by a medical professional with knowledge of facial and nerve physiology in order to minimize the risks of permanent nerve injury.


Our pricing

First treatment $1200

Second treatment $1000

Third treatment $600

Ready to get started? Book a complimentary 30-minute consultation with Dr Constantin.